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About FCC

Representative Message

Fine Crystal Co., Ltd. (FCC) was established on August 22, 1988 as a subsidiary of Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
Because Japan Steel Works, Ltd. held a 100% share of the domestic market for pressure vessels (autoclaves) used to manufacture quartz crystals, FCC was established to use these pressure vessels to grow and sell synthetic quartz crystals.
From there, we have developed not only growth technologies but also processing technologies to provide a range of products, including optical low-pass filters, crystal wafers, and waveplates.
We also process a variety of materials for other organizations using our processing facilities.
In this way, FCC is committed to helping your business grow by providing products and services that meet your needs.
FCC is also committed to providing products that satisfy our customers by constantly exploring the latest technologies and offering the highest quality products.
FCC will continue to solve social issues and make the world more sustainable and prosperous with the power of the Japan Steel Works Group's Material Revolution🄬.
We sincerely appreciate your support and patronage.

President and Representative Director, Fine Crystal Co., Ltd.


Corporate Philosophy

1.We provide our customers with appeal and satisfaction.

We will provide products that meet our customers' needs by growing high-grade quartz crystal and refining our processing technologies.

2.We are committed to the permanent development of the company and the happiness of our employees.

We are fully aware of the mission and role that each and every employee, including top management, should fulfill, and we strive to increase corporate value and growth, and pursue a corporate culture full of vitality and happiness for our employees and their families.

3.We challenge business innovation by anticipating the needs of the times.

Sensitive to changes in society and the environment, we challenge technological innovation and new product fields with creativity and enthusiasm.

Quality and Environmental Policy

Fine Crystal Co., Ltd. aims to be an environmentally friendly manufacturing company by providing high quality products that meet customer needs and expectations and are reliable, while actively participating in activities to protect the environment. In order to achieve the above objectives, we have established the following quality and environmental policies and strive to fulfill our corporate development and contribution to society.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with all laws, regulations, and contractual requirements related to our business activities.

2. Establishment of a Promotion System

We will establish a promotion system for the operation of our business activities and quality/environmental management systems, and ensure that they are properly reviewed.

3. Human Resource Development

We provide education and training on quality and the environment to all employees with the aim of improving our business activities.

4. Management of Quality and Environmental Objectives

We will set quality and environmental goals, formulate plans to achieve these goals, and manage the status of these goals.

5. Environmental Protection

We will strive to reduce our environmental impact and prevent pollution in order to protect the global environment and conserve resources.

6. Continuous Improvement

We will strive to continuously improve our quality and environmental management systems through periodic reviews.

Corporate Profile

Company Name FINE CRYSTAL Co., Ltd.
Representative Kazuya Kubo, President & Representative Director
Head Office 9-1 Chazu-cho, Muroran City, Hokkaido, Japan
Tokyo Office (Sales) Gate City Osaki West Tower 23F, 1-11-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Capital 80 million yen
Established August 22, 1988
Number of Employees 108 (as of April 2023)
Officers Representative Director Representative Director KAZUYA KUBO
Banks Hokuyo Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Main Products & Services OLPF, Wafer, Waveplate, Contract processing
Business 1.Businesses related to the manufacture and sale of synthetic quartz crystals and other crystalline and amorphous materials and other processed products.
2.Businesses related to the manufacture and sale of manufacturing equipment related to the preceding items.
3.Businesses related to consulting and sales of technologies related to the preceding item
4.Any and all businesses incidental or related to the preceding items
ISO9001 Acquired on April 8, 2020 Certificate number BSI location
Brochure PDF:Company Brochure
Affiliated company The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.

Office Information

Head Office

9-1 Chazu-cho, Muroran City, Hokkaido, Japan



[From the nearest station]

11-mins. walk from Bokoi station (JR Muroran Main Line)


Tokyo Office

Gate City Osaki West Tower 23F, 1-11-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo



[From the nearest station]

3-mins. walk from JR Osaki Station


Corporate History

August 1988 Company established with capital of 130 million yen as an affiliate of The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
April 1989 Started selling synthetic quartz crystals. 
February 1990 Increased capital to 380 million yen
June 1990 Started selling optical low-pass filters
March 1991 Increased capital to 880 million yen
August 1996 Started selling wafers for SAW
September 2001 Established Fine Crystal (H.K.) Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong
June 2003 Started selling low-pass filters for SLR cameras
March 2006 Started selling various waveplates
May 2008 Started selling waveplates for projectors
April 2010 Started selling waveplates for microscopes
April 2016 Reduced capital to 80 million yen
April 2017 Stated selling LN low-pass filters for high-end SLR cameras
April 2017 Started contract processing of LN
April 2019 Established China-Japanese Joint Venture: JMF (Zhejiang) Opto-Electronic Co., Ltd (Haining)
April 2020 Acquired ISO 9001 certification

Recruitment Information

Please contact our recruiting department of Head Office.

Affiliated Companies

The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.:
Fine Crystal Iwaki Co.,